DSI Turnstiles for Throughput – Custom Solutions

DSI turnstiles are synonymous with throughput, style, security, and reliability.

Clients come to us either when they’ve had a security breach, or when long security checkpoint lines are hurting productivity. Which of these apply to you?

Do you have a tailgating problem? Are you working with a tight space? Most barrier optical turnstile projects have a custom element, so this is routine for us. It may make sense to have a conversation. No obligation or cost.

For more information or a site visit, please contact Denning or visit DSI’s web site.

DSI website

Southwest Microwave = Outdoor Protection

With over 50 years of experience and 70,000 installations worldwide, Southwest Microwave is the global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance outdoor electronic perimeter security systems meeting the demands of security-sensitive applications and harsh exterior environments.

Southwest Microwave’s field-proven perimeter protection systems and security management tools provide accurate, immediate detection of perimeter disturbances across wide ranging sectors – government, military, utilities, corrections, industrial, transportation and VIP residential – areas that by their intrinsic nature dictate high performance and unyielding reliability.

Product excellence is only one component of the Southwest Microwave customer commitment. A pledge to provide world-class customer care is backed by extensive technical service capabilities, including system planning and design assistance, commissioning services, comprehensive training programs and responsive tech support. By delivering proven technologies and broad-reaching value added services, Southwest Microwave offers a solid foundation for long term perimeter security solutions.

Dealers and integrators: ask us about project registration!

If you’re an integrator that’s helped designed a project around Denning manufacturers, we should be talking.

We represent manufacturers that appreciate the commitment it takes to get larger infrastructure, transportation, institutional, and enterprise projects off of the ground. If you’ve invested time there may be a registration reward program for you.

We at Denning have provided surveillance and detection systems for buildings and structures throughout the US. Southwest Microwave is being used here to prevent bridges from closing on barges and ships as they travel on the Illinois river.

Is There More to Perimeter Security than Video? – Part 2

It’s been some time since we posted comparing sensor-based perimeter security to video-based outdoor intrusion detection systems. Has anything changed?

The security market is video-centric. We get it – CCTV is a good tool, and it keeps getting better. Every year hundreds of firms plow millions of dollars into CCTV R & D, and millions more are invested in mobile platforms such as drones and artificial intelligence (AI) and its integration with security systems. Video is visceral and often better than “eyes on” assessment since systems may be capable of collecting and displaying information we cannot see (think thermal and IR imaging of the invisible). Storing information on a system featuring quick retrieval provides an even more compelling case for video.

If your system has been designed and installed right and everything’s working properly, video addresses what happened and when it happened. With internet connectivity you may have the means to see what’s happening now, and remotely intervene when a crime is taking place. Under ideal circumstances you may even identify a perpetrator.

Yet we’ve learned crime often doesn’t happen under ideal circumstances, whether by accident or plan. Factors such as weather and “operator error” can make a bad situation worse. Layered systems use tools such as intrusion detection, CCTV, communications, access control, and screening that together mitigate an enterprise’s vulnerabilities.

There’s no substitute for starting with a physical security risk assessment (RA) followed by a vulnerability assessment (VA). The RA outlines the threats, while a VA shows under what circumstances assets are at risk. The VA will also outline and perhaps quantify the potential impact.


Some situations add Deter, Deny, Assess, Communicate, and Intervene to address a particular vulnerability. We do so understanding ASIS International ESRM (Enterprise Security Risk Management) models and tools.

If you’ve determined it’s people you’re trying to find, consider the environment. Even the best lighted perimeters with low light/no light video technologies may be compromised if there’s blowing sand or snow, and/or fog. At a minimum you should be considering a layered “defense in depth” approach, with physical and electronic systems providing enhanced protection for the times when conditions are bad.

Testing cameras in an ice fog with air temperatures of -2 F.

As outside reps for leading industry manufacturers, we have field experience with scores of sensors and systems.

It is with this insight that we repeat: many of our clients once felt that video was their best line of outdoor perimeter defense. Video was chosen to tell them how something happened, and who did it. It took one incident to tell them they need more than video alone can provide.

SALTO – Smart Access Solutions Indoors and Out


Are conventional keys and locks safely securing property and people in your facilities?

SALTO battery operated locks and access control solutions provide security reassurance for everyone on site, while protecting assets and equipment.

Physical keys are easily lost or copied and expensive to replace. If it’s easy for bad actors to get in, your people and property are at risk. Smart access is safer, more secure, and simpler to manage.

SALTO continues to release impressive technological innovations where connectivity between the door, user and system operations aids the growth of overall safety, security, and access control for any access type. SALTO solutions work with nearly any door, including emergency exits, wooden and metal doors, elevators, parking garages, lockers, and containers – even outdoors. SALTO hardware and technology platform can be added to doors with existing locks without additional modifications or wiring.

Modular design and future-proof engineering accommodate growth or regulatory changes to ensure continued compliance.

SALTO products combine style with reliable security and flexibility. Choose from an extensive range of finishes, door handles and locks options to customize for specific needs.

Integration of legacy credentials and compatibility with other systems through multi-application is possible.

SALTO access control integrates within business technology ecosystems including management and security software (BMS), multi-housing software, hospitality software, and alarm/video security management systems.

Denning Electronics represents SALTO in Illinois and Wisconsin. Please call Steve Vivacue or Ken Wippich to review your access control needs.

Vigitron for Security Networks

Vigitron provides secure high-performance security and communications networks.

Security and communications systems stand out, since edge devices may be in remote locations, far outside the range of standard Ethernet connections. Devices need a reliable connection and good performance in all weather and environmental extremes, so they often have heaters, blowers, and illumination systems to support the performance demands. Add-ons consume more power, so Vigitron makes PoE network components to fulfill the need.

For many security sites it is not practical or possible to have closely spaced IDFs. Imagine a parking lot or garage with Emergency Call stations. Stations may be many yards apart, with some beyond the 100-meter copper Ethernet limit. IDFs don’t make sense for warehouse with cameras trained on long aisles, and high-rise elevators with onboard cameras and PoE intercoms. A Vigitron fiber solution is often a great choice, or (especially with elevators) it may be possible to use existing cables with Vigitron coax or twisted pair Ethernet adapters.

Vigitron Product Page

There’s More to Perimeter Security than Video

Many of our clients once felt that video was their best line of defense for outdoor perimeter security. Video was chosen to tell them how something happened, and who did it. It takes one incident to tell them they needed more.

After viewing thousands of blurry, obstructed, or otherwise disappointing camera snapshots and videos of security breaches, it’s clear that cameras don’t always work the way they’re intended.

Bright sun and darkness are still problems for video systems. A magnified but blurry picture may hold some clues for a detective, but it usually takes a lot of analysis and luck to recover stolen property. Even if your property is returned, it may not be in the same shape as when it was taken.

Does it make sense to have a system that can help intervene before your property is lost for good? Let’s have an in-depth conversation about perimeter security – soon!


SECO-LARM manufactures innovative security and surveillance equipment for commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities.

With 42 years of R & D experience and over 200 domestic and international patents, SECO-LARM stands out as an innovator. One of the greatest benefits of buying from SECO-LARM is simply the wide breadth of well-designed products.

Distributors and dealers and their clients in nearly 100 countries worldwide know they can count on SECO-LARM access control, physical security, CCTV, A/V, and wireless components and solutions. With such a broad line-up of CCTV cameras, electromagnetic locks, door strikes, card readers, keypads, intercoms, exit devices, RF wireless, and sensors, you’ll rarely need to go elsewhere to complete your projects on-time and under-budget.

Denning is eager to show you SECO-LARM products. Please call or email Steve Vivacue or Ken Wippich to schedule an appointment.

Vigitron makes networks better

Vigitron solves Ethernet networking challenges for security and communication systems. The big four challenge are:

It’s nearly impossible or simply too expensive to get Ethernet cabling and power to where cameras, intercoms, access control readers, or SIP phones are needed.

Cable distance is too long for Cat 5/6 Ethernet, and there is no secure place for an IDF.

Our outdoor security devices (cameras, intercoms, sensors, lights) aren’t reliably powering-up or they fail when heaters or illuminators turn on.

There’s no convenient way to health monitor all of our security system components. Often the first we hear of a failure is when we most needed the system!

Vigitron has long provided physical tools to test edge devices and monitor networks. 2020 marked the beginning of NetObserver, the first in a family of software tool designed to provide real time network monitoring.

NetObserver is a health monitoring Windows™ based software capable of receiving status messages from up to 240,000 ports using TCP, UCP, Syslog and SNMP communications. NetObserver recognizes network connected devices by means of Onvif, UPnP and also allows for manual entry. 

Why health monitoring? Large and small security systems with IP CCTV cameras, intercoms, and access control devices must be dependable. Unlike IP phones or other common devices powered by PoE, high power and high bandwidth PoE security devices often have different component states. Outdoor day/night cameras and LED lighting have power requirements that vary by day and by season, so a PoE switch with an inadequate power budget is prone to fail. NetObserver’s GUI with email notification traces the problem, making it easier to quickly respond.

A built-in mapping feature accounting for both IP-enabled network and edge devices ensures manageability, while custom messaging pinpoints trouble.

The Application Programming Interface used to manage the database is Microsoft’s SQL Server Compact 4.0, which is automatically included in the NetObserver installer.

Vigitron manufactures components for PoE Ethernet over untwisted conductors, and switches and components aimed at the industrial market. Hardened smart switches with ring topology ensuring high reliability, and more tools to ensure top performance from your security components and network.

Do you have a project? Whether you’re an end user, integrator, contractor, or security dealer, we’re here to tackle your network issues.

When IP video and intercom systems stop working


Denning Electronics ensures that clients have the lowest possible maintenance cost for their security, surveillance, and intercom systems. We are a resource not only for our current lines, but we also help with products we haven’t worked with for a decade or more and some manufacturers we’ve never directly represented.

We currently help integrators and their clients who experience cameras, video clips, and intercoms mysteriously disappearing on their IP systems and recorders.

Vigitron’s unique and economical diagnostic tools are purpose-built for security integrators. They may be used to evaluate and test cabling and networks before they are commissioned, and they track down problems caused by bad network wiring, insufficient PoE, or bandwidth-limited networks. 

Please contact us for a test drive of the NeTester/NetStat and NetObserver or one of Vigitron’s other test products.